Thursday, March 10, 2011

Nose to the Grindstone

Busy, busy, busy!  It's almost Spring, right? I've been hard at work-- putting together my new studio space (yay!) and gathering materials to make pretty things. Now I've got to hole up and crank it out! If only my hands will hold up (ouchy). Meanwhile, I've had some awesome custom orders! That's just enough to keep motivated and excited!

Custom Necklace
And then a woman contacted me about culling my junk piles so she could make robot flowers! How cool is that?! I love it. Hope she sends me photos.

Robot Flower Junk
Finally, I did some supply swapping with one of my heroes, the ever-inspiring Fanciful Devices. She was so sweet to blog about it!
Now back to the studio....

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! Sometimes I hold on to things for years, not knowing what I'm going to do with them. It's nice that you found someone to trade with.

    I'm in a state of perpetually setting up my studio as well. Good luck!
